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Saturday, December 29, 2007

On our last day, there was nothing much. Just woke up really early, ate our breakfast really early, went to the airport really early, and bade the tour guide goodbye, then we're on our own. Just checked in and all those things you had to do in the airport, and then say chow~ to Taiwan.

After a 4hrs flight, we reached Singapore, yay! Relatives came to bring my grandma back, and we went back too. Nothing much about Taiwan on that day. Unpacked and done. Bye!~

JunDa; Saturday, December 29, 2007

We started at morning, as we don't have a early schedule. We took the Taiwan MRT early in the morning. We studied the map and bought our tickets 30NT and headed to DanShui. It was a cool place, which had a few horses kept for photo taking. Just walking and taking photos around, we walked to a arcade, and just played a game of those basketballs game where you must throw a basketballs into a net. We played twice only. After the game, we walked back to the MRT station. We bought our ticket again and went back to the hotel to find our tour guide.

We went to have our lunch, but the tour guide brought us to the wrong place. Actually, we had alot of time, but after he brought us to the wrong place, we were in a hurry! But never mind, we just had our lunch and headed to TaiPei 101.

We wanted to go up to see the scenery, but it was too crowded and we only had an hour in our hands. We just moved around the shops and see the nice shops. Everything was very expensive! I wanted something, which Singapore was selling it for about $60, but at Taiwan, it was sold for $80!!! So my father decided to go back to Singapore to get the present.

After an hour, we went to a place, which sold alot of clothes, only it is at the outdoors. The whole place was filled with winter clothes for sale, so my dad and I got really tired of it and just found a seat and rested with my grandma while my sister and my mum continued to search around. After they came back, we still had alot of time although my mum and sister also wanted to get out of that place. My mum bought my sister and I a cup of bubble tea and a cup of MeeSua each, and headed to the toilet, getting ready to go back to out trip. But the most hilarious thing was that the girls restroom queue was so long, and when some girls could not stand it, they actually went inside the boys room! But if they see any guys, they will run out. That was a very funny scene.

It was already time to head to the night market. We went to a famous night market called Shilin Night Market, and it may be so famous that maybe you have heard of it before. But it was really crowded that we had to eat MacDonalds for dinner. It was a very unimaginable crowdedness that no one could stand. We had to jay-walk to get to a petrol station that was across the street filled with cars! But mostly scooters.. Anyway, it was very dificult to get to the other side of the road, good thing we suceeded. We just walked around till our feet got really tire, but there was a small place to play games, so we played one game for awhile. It was a dart game where you had to throw the darts on a balloon. My sister wanted a stuff toy, so we played. We thought that we shot one balloon would did the trick, but we had to hit more then that. Different prizes had different number of balloons to get bursted, so we got a not to difficult and not to easy difficulty. Nine balloons. We had to play twice because we could not win in one round. After winning a stuffed monkey, we walked back to the van, but buying some food first, then go back to the hotel.

Just watched some more television programmes, one of the best was The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody on Disney Channel, then turned in.

JunDa; Saturday, December 29, 2007

Yo I'm back! On day four, we started our trip. We went to a tomato farm. It was full of tomatoes in all shapes and sizes. Some looks like peaches, and some look likes grapes. We bought strawberries( Lol ). After eating the strawberries, we went back to our trip.

We moved to some sort of "palace". We saw a few guards marching and it was some sort of march that was special to them and had to walk in straight lines all the way to the palace. It was kinda cool. They walked in a perfectly straight line for about 60 or 70 metres.

Then, we went to move on to have lunch. It was some sort of an night market, but only in the afternoon. We had a lunch of noodles, then do a little window shopping, before going back to the van. It was raining then.

We moved to some sort of "palace". We saw a few guards marching and it was some sort of march that was special to them and had to walk in straight lines all the way to the paclace. It was kinda cool. They walked in a perfectly straight line for about 60 or 70 metres.

After, we went to a big hotel, which was before the most expensive hotel and all VIPs from all countries who went to Taiwan, will go there to spend their night. We took a few photos and went inside. It was filled with antiques shapes or immortals, or some divine being. It was a huge hotel.

Soon, night came. We went again to a night market. It was more lively as we were in TaiPei. We didn't have alot of time because we were in a place which a parking lot was much more difficult to find then other places so the driver couldn't wait for us around. There was shopping centres. We ate dinner and browsed around the malls around us. After a short amount of time , we went to a hotel, and what's more, it's beside a MacDonalds. Hahaha. the next best thing is, because of the rooms, the tour guide got us a room for a family! It was the biggest hotel room I ever seen. It has 2 rooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room! It was so big, almost like a Condominium. After I had a shower, watched alot of television programmes, which was all in chinese, I went to bed, and that's the last of day 4.

JunDa; Saturday, December 29, 2007

Friday, December 28, 2007

Hi, I'm here to post more about the Taiwan trip. On the third day, we went down the mountains. We were heading to Ri Yue Tan (Sun Moon Lake), which we had our lunch there. After lunch and loittering around the nearby stores, we went to a temple. It has about 3 stories, and a "vending machine". You have to put 20NT inside and a doll will move into a doll house at the back, and take out a piece of paper. The machine gives you a lot. Although my sister or even my whole family did not know how to read it, we just burned it (as they said) to make it come through. After that, we went back on our trip.

We went to a park, but it was filled with birds!! The main bird was the Common Peafowl (Peacock). There was many different breeds of birds. There was a Golden Tailed Pheasant, Turtledove and many others. After the park visit, we went to a mini theme park. We played a few games and at 4.20pm, they was a short show "live" for the visitors. It's about a tribe dancing and singing their tribal dances and songs.

When night falls, the tour guide brought us to a place, kind of like a night market. We just browsed around the shops and buying anything we liked. We had out dinner and called it a night.

JunDa; Friday, December 28, 2007

Hello, I just added another song by my favourite band, Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park. Trying to rank up in GetAmped. Oh yeah, GetAmped RULES!! Haha for any of you who want to know me my IGN is !! Shuriken*~!!, and my rank is Golden Tiger Claw. Goodbye! Next up, More Taiwan posts.

JunDa; Friday, December 28, 2007

I just changed my blog skin to my favourite band, Linkin Park. There's one song called Bleed It Out, which is a Linkin Park song. I added another song too. It's called Give It To Me. Singers Justin Timberlake, Timbaland and Nelly Furtardo. Nice song, I like the rythm alot. Be wary because I'll be updating more songs and posts. Hear those songs and seat back, relax and just browse through this blogs at LINKZ. Feel free to post in comments and how I should upgrade in NOISEZ N SCREAMZ. I wish you a Happy New Year and in the meantime, chow~

JunDa; Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Okay it starts when i woke up at 6 plus, because morning call is at 7 am. Ate breakfast and went back to pack my luggage. Then we're off to, haha, the car wash and petrol station. The fun thing and THE only fun thing is, looking at it when we're inside the car wash. Quite boring then. When we're off, we went upwards. A moutain which was about 2 hours or more. I got some sort of headache which made me feel very pain in my head. When we reached about 12+, we got off and another bus came and took us to a hotel up in the mountains, and it was very cold there. after lunch, actually after their lunch, because i didn't have any appetite, we went on a trek. The air was very fresh there, and my headache starts to cure while walking. There was a pig like rock down there. It really looks like a pig on the left but looks like some sort of disfigured rock on the right. While walking, we saw something called a sister pond. There are two ponds. One is called Big Sister Pond and the other Young Sister Pond. They were seperated.The big one is obviously the Big Sister Pond and the smaller pond is obviously the Young Sister Pond. After 550m of walking, we reached a temple. Nothing much there, just some shops around and most selling "Wasabi". Taiwans maybe "favourite" food as many places sell Wasabi.That was actually the main event of the day. After that, we continued to travel to some place upwards to a "Spa Hotel". There, has a spa and a spa (No typo). That was the hotel and we rested there, and my sister and I watched television like until 6pm, while my grandmother was resting. After all those TV watching, we went to consume out food, dinner, at the hotels restaurant. After we ate, we went out for some more fresh air and just walked around the neighbourhood. We observed many seafood retaurants and hotels. But there was nothing much so we went back to the hotel to sleep, but first, watch more television programmes.

JunDa; Thursday, December 27, 2007